Tuesday, September 6, 2011

*thanks tropical storm Lee

A few days ago we were visit  by many bands of rain which left our dry dusty ground saturated and for that we are grateful.  We were spared of any damage, thankfully.  Our power was out for a short while because of a fallen Oak on our street, we took advantage of this time and played a game of Life!  Before we were able to finish the game the power was back on.

For weeks prior to TS Lee coming through we had been under Fire Advisories, unending.  We have piles of branches, debris etc that we need to burn but have not been granted a fire permit due to the dryness.  We were in need of the rain, and boy did we get it.   We did not have any big plans for Labor Day 2011, so the wet weather did not bother us one bit.

Here are a few pictures from today, a different story from the past three days.

I was riding along and just could not stop looking at the majesty before me. It is glorious! Isn't it?   I sort of felt like Ann Voskamp must have, the night she chased the moon on their farm that evening that she spoke of in her book, One Thousand Gifts. I have even been know to chase a sunset down, or should I say try. I have driven over the hills and through the wood to grasp a better view of the sun going down on more than one occasion.  These photos are all straight out of the camera, no editing at all.   Have a great week!

Shared at Behind the Camera.


  1. we too have chased the moon a couple of times a few years back unfortunately it lead us to the mall parking lot...not very scenic but the moon was breathtaking!!! (just as your pictures are!!)

  2. Gorgeous pictures once again, Lynnie! It has been raining here for days now and is to continue for the remainder of the week. I'm looking forward to seeing skies like this soon!

  3. Hi Lynnie!
    Lovely photos! So glad you got some rain! Thanks for your note bout the roosters and good luck with yours too! Ours were alright, just not the right place for them.

  4. I'm so glad you got your much needed rain. As for us, we've had above average rainfall this year.

    I love your fluffy clouds...so much depth.

    Thanks for sharing these, and your story on "Behind the Camera".

  5. I love the air after a storm, so fresh and clean. You can hear all the dry vegetation soaking up the moisture. And those are some beautiful cloud formations.

  6. Such pretty photos!! The story of Ann chasing the moon is one of my favorite parts of her book.
    God's creation leaves me breathless at times!

  7. Glad you got the rain you needed. This has been such a year of extremes in weather. Love the cloud photos. I've done the same thing with the moon and sunrises...

  8. Thanks to each one of you for taking the time to leave me a comment, so encouraging! Yes, we did get the rain we needed, thankfully! The clouds, gorgeous!
