Sunday, September 18, 2011

*chick-inn news

 We have an assortment of egg sizes, colors and contents!  Small, medium, large or extra large? Usually we have a super large egg every couple of weeks and these larger eggs normally will have a double yolk, which is a rare happening in young hens. It has something to do with their immature ovulation process when they are still young layers. 
 The white egg is from one of our Buff Leghorns, previously know as "Goldie, but been renamed to Mrs. Trump or her sister Rebel.  They are the smallest of our hens, but two of the most fascinating!

 Just thought I would give you some perspective of the different egg sizes that we collect daily around here at Erilyn Farm.

 Surely the one who laid this egg walked around and talked about it for hours.  Seriously, once our hens have laid an egg, some of them will walk around and cackle so loudly for a period of time.

 mmmmm... meat.  That's all I got to say about that. (Lori, Kathy... are you still with me?)

Lucy is just glad she isn't a rabbit. She is so glad that she can daily produce something for our homestead. She is thrilled that it is not her body we are looking for at the end of a given time.  Lucy, your safe! Keep that egg production up girl!  (Since mid June, we have collected 1021 eggs)

shared today at homestead revival 
& farm girl friday blog hop


  1. I love that you have fresh chicken eggs.

  2. Wow! That is interesting! I have heard of a double yolk, but I've never seen it.
    I love fresh eggs - I bought them for years from a farmer, but I'm no longer able to get them. Oh how I miss fresh eggs.

  3. Yes, we do too Jenny! I love the new look of your blog! How do I follow your blog? Your kids are getting SO big!

    Marissa, yeh, we actually get a double yolked egg quite frequently but as the hens mature more, this will taper off and no longer happen. I think I am going to boil one, peel it and slice it open for sharing with everyone. They are pretty cool. You should get a few hens!

  4. Beautiful eggs. Must be so wonderful to go outside and collect those beauties and then enjoy them another time when you eat them.

  5. Marianne, it is! It is a dream of many years come true. Homesteading,farming etc.. Thanks for stopping by, I enjoy your blog!

  6. Hi Lynnie, thanks for visiting my blog. It was a lovely surprise.
    I enjoyed seeing the variety of eggs you collect. We keep chickens (chooks) too - there's nothing nicer than eating your own home grown eggs is there.
    Cheerio, Susan

  7. Wow! That's an egg. I'd hate to be the hen that laid that one though, ouch. It's almost unimaginable to think that you have collected more than 1000 eggs since June. Those are some awesome chickens you have. I love the bunnies, we've had as many as 35 at one time when my boy was a scout, but they were so soft and cute I couldn't dream of eating them. Candybutt, I know. lol. Thanks for sharing such an awesome homestead and have a great week.

  8. It sure is fun to see the variety of sizes and colors that the girls lay! There's nothing like having your own chickens! :)

  9. My leghorns have been laying for about a month now. I have one that lays double yokers about three times a week. I had one about that big today and "ouch" is what my mom said too! Can't wait for the other hens to start laying and see some color. (I have 3 white leghorns-so white eggs from them)

  10. I have a quick question. What breed of rabbit do you use for meat? That's next on our list.

  11. Christy, those double yolk eggs would have come in handy today when I was making icing for my sons cake. He loves German Chocolate cake and the particular recipe I was using for the icing.. called for 6 egg yolks! Anyway the rabbits.. we currently have Californian and New Zealand breeds. Both a good choice for meat.. there are several others as well.. can't recall right now.. but Champagne L'Argent?, White Florida? and several others. We just bred our two does again this past week!
