Monday, September 12, 2011

*morning glory

I have been drooling over a macro lens for my camera. I will continue to drool, because there is not enough money in the budget to purchase such a luxury at this time. Since I am not a professional photographer I have no real need for the investment.   I have been doing some reading on macro photography and came across an alternative to a lens.   Filters.  You will be able to dabble in macro with filters but will obviously not get the same quality photograph that you would get using the lens.   I decided to spend under $20 to get 4 lenses and give it a try.  I am happy with my decision and have been having a bit of fun capturing beauty and being arrested by the wonder of it all!  (UPDATE.. after further "playing" with the filters.. I have decided that I would not recommend them to anyone. Save up for a macro lense!)

I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.  ~Claude Monet

In search of beauty..

Earth laughs in flowers.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.  
~Walt Whitman

I am able to use the +1, +2 & +4 filters with my all purpose lens.  I am not able to use the +10 filter - boo, hiss!  It simply will not focus. This would really allow me to get in there and perhaps even count a fly's compound eyes.  Well, maybe not that close, but closer than the +4 which is what I used here on these small Morning Glory vines.

Shared at In Search OF Beauty Blog Hop 
& Tammy's Behind the Camera 


  1. I was on my way to see your Creative Exchange contribution and got completely side tracked with this post! I also covet a macro lens for my camera and cannot fit it in the budget. Thanks for the tips about the filters. Lovely shots of the morning glory. :-)

  2. Filters are a great alternative to a macro lens, and these photographs are just wonderful Lynnie!

    Thank you so much for sharing these at The Creative Exchange.

    Sending you wishes for a wonderful evening!


  3. Dianna, Thanks!

    Lisa thanks! Yes, one day on the lens, or maybe not. Either way I am having fun with the filters.

  4. Hi Lynnie - I'm visiting from Shanda's. The photos are lovely. I too have wanted a macro lens, but like you, I'm not a professional and it certainly isn't in the budget. I'll have to check out the lenses.

    Have a blessed weekend!


  5. Very nice!! You've done a good job with filters. Maybe I will give them a try because I also don't have the $ for a macro. Love how you caught the bee in flight.

  6. You did a great job catching all this beauty!

  7. Beautiful moment and photos! I want a lens too...they make such a difference! What are you thinking of them now that you have had some time to play around?

  8. Anika
    I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I love them for what I paid for them and what they are doing for me. I will be posting a review on them soon, and some more pics. If you keep your camera at the largest setting for pixels, then you can crop a photo that you took with the macro filter and still have a great image. I, one day do hope to have the luxury of a macro lens, I can dream I suppose!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. These are lovely, and that first one is so sharp. I know what you mean about looking for the less expensive alternative. It looks like your filters worked well. I have been looking at extension tubes for macro photography, but wasn't aware it could be done with filters. I'll have to check it out.

    Thanks for sharing these at Behind the Camera today :)
