Tuesday, September 13, 2011

*busy bees

This morning when I went out to feed the animals I decided to walk out and check on the bees.  They were busy taking flight, and others landing. I sat and watched intently for a few minutes, when I noticed the ones landing on the landing board has bags of pollen on their legs. Beautiful yellow pollen. I sat and watched for a few more minutes then ran back to the house to get my camera. This is what I captured.

Aren't they amazing!

If you are interested in beekeeping,  you may want to bookmark  Honey Bee Suite.  I have really enjoyed reading and learning from this seasoned beekeeper!  Read more about our bee adventures HERE.


  1. They're awesome and they're honey is so delicious!

    One day, I hope to have some bees. I will check out the Honey Bee Suite... thanks!

  2. *grin* Thanks! Yes, you have got to get a hive!!

  3. I want bees so badly! I can hardly wait until we are on enough property to keep them! Guess I should be studying in the meantime...! :)

  4. Thank you very much for your kind compliment! It's fun to know who is reading Honey Bee Suite.

  5. These are some awesome photos!

    My Dad was a beekeeper for many years; I have been very conservative with my honey since he passed away this year...I have a outside storage building filled to the ceiling with all his equipment, hives and supers, and you name it. I've thought about trying to establish a couple bee hives. Thanks for the link, I'll check that out.

  6. We are looking to get bees this spring. My neighbor and I are going to a beekeeping class in November...I cant wait. Did you have someone help you with the placement (location) of your hive? Wonderful pics and blog.

  7. Yes Shaye, read up! I highly recommend getting a hive or two or three! We plan to add two more in the spring.

    No Rusty, thanks you for posting a wonderfully educational instructional blog for all us to glean under! You sharing a is a gift!

    Marissa, you must start- beware it is addictive. Before you know it all of those hives will be set up! I am sorry for your dad's passing.

    Anonymous- I wish I had an email to contact you at to make sure you get my response.. but here goes.. We made sure when we placed the hive that it was facing in the direction that the wind blows towards so the wind would be on the back side of the hive. We also placed it under some trees for shade but a clear area. It is in an out of the way spot on our 6 acres. An area that is not bothered by any of our animals or people. There is a small water source nearby but it is has been dried up most of this year, so we put a small water supply nearby for them. I hope this helps.

  8. What COOL pictures! Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. I did get the post thanks. I would love to get up dates on your blog if possible. My email addy is: ar1961sc@yahoo.com...I am not sure how I could do that but if you can send info on how I could get updates to your blog that would be great.

  10. So exciting to see the pollen sacs up close. I am reading and preparing to get my hive. I look forward to your posts. Thanks again for sharing.

  11. They're so much fun to watch. Except last night when the new hive tried to invade the old one -- that I could've done without.

    Love your newly finished quilt!

  12. Deborah, I will set you up to receive our blog post through your email, just remember - my blog is about family, friends, crafts and our farm life. Thanks for your interest in following our blog!!

  13. Thanks for stopping by Heidi, excited for you on adding a hive to your property, you wont regret it!

    Michelle - YIKES! I hope that never happens to us! I wonder why this happened?

  14. Great shots! I'm fascinated by beekeeping, but I know nothing about it.

  15. Thanks Teresa, we didnt know anything about beekeeping until this past spring, but we are learning as we go, and we too are fascinated by it!

  16. This is my first time to your blog. I assume these bees are yours? We raised bees for many years and when my dad went home to be with Jesus we all stopped but I think it is time to start back into the bee keeping business! I am thankful for your inspiration. Hope pray God continues to bless you!
