Wednesday, August 31, 2011

*pin the tail on the donkey

" To carry his load without resting, not to be bothered by heat or cold and always content: these are the things we can learn from a donkey. "  - Irish Proverb

Earlier this year I shared some funny pictures of the donkeys that live on the neighboring property.   You remember, they had their winter coats on. Beautiful they were!

It is nearing the end of a hot summer now and I should give you an update on their latest attire.  The donkeys are all dressed for the season and soon they will surely starting putting on their winter coats so they will be ready when the temps are low.   So this one's for you Kathy (a requested updated)!

(the sun was out in full, so the photos are a little blown out.. sorry about that)

The donkeys can be quite vociferous but we welcome this around our parts since we have animals that need to have predators ran off. We don't actually have donkeys on our property but Mr. Sellers, our neighbor has (many) donkeys that travel the north, south and west sides of our property all the time.  Many folks have asked us if we are worried about foxes and other such predators getting to our chickens and possibly goats.  Since our property has an outer fence around the parameter and then we have an inner fence within our property as well as the constant presence of the donkeys, our answer is always no.   Did you know that a protective donkey has the wherewith all to stomp a dog to death. Yikes. We have to make sure that Frayja  never gets into their jurisdiction! 

One bit of trivia: Do you know where we get the game, "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"? Some donkeys are simply born without a tail, it is not specific to a breed, but simply something that happens.  And there you have it.. the game is born!

Sharing on Farmgirl Friday Bloghop!


  1. I saw the donkey with no tail in one of your photos and I wondered about it! Now I know! Also good to know that they'll keep predators away!

  2. what sweet pictures of the donkeys. And the little tidbit of info about the game is fun to know.

    We have to worry about coons getting to our chickens. They've, in the past, got ahold of some of our hens. Makes me so mad! Maybe I need some donkeys around because my goat and dog aren't very good protectors!

  3. Awww, I can't wait to get our donkey! She's a miniature donkey, and super cute!

    Your friend, Katerina

  4. Lisawith4, just today I KILLED a rat snake in our chicken was in one of the nesting boxes. Yes, get you a donkey!

    Katerina, I can't wait to see pics of your donkey. My neighbor also has a bunch of min donkeys as well. They do not patrol the boundaries of our property though and I don't get much opportunity to photograph them.

  5. Lynnie, I have a picture of her on my horse blog! She's so cute!


  6. Katerina, can you send me a private invite to my email? I don't think I am following that blog or know it's url. Thanks!

  7. Yeah, I must have forgot to put you on my invite list...

  8. Is your email

  9. Yes, Katerina that is correct. I will look for the invite!

  10. All the critters sure look different when they shed their winter woolies!

  11. Beautiful photos and I just learned more about donkeys than I knew before.

  12. Well, that is interesting. I did not know that some donkeys were born without tails. They look very pretty in their summer attire.
