Friday, August 19, 2011

*being brave for maintenance & HONEY giveaway!

We finally got the bee hive all taken care of for the approaching fall and coming winter months.  I knew it was not going to be fun due to the fact that I had some time ago, removed one of the frames from that center supra that I had to work in.

 Unsuspecting. Quiet on the home front. Happy. Content.  - This was the status before I got started changing the furniture around as it was inside their cozy hive.

 Once I took the supra off (which you see over to the right) the free standing comb they meticulously made stayed in place on top of queen excluder (the silver frame thing you see there).  Down below lie the queen, safe and sound.  I did not disturb the "hive" part of their home at all on this visit. I figured I was doing enough damage as it was.

One of the purposes of working the hive today was to remove the queen excluder so the bees can work their way through the hive for food in the winter. You see, the bees all sort of gather together and move in a mass to stay warm during the winter months. If the excluder stays in place this will inhibit the mass from moving easily to feed as needed during those lean times.  

I have carefully placed the supra back on top of the deep which is the area I allowed the queen to lay eggs this past season.   I did rob one more of the frames in the supra, so we got about 5 more pounds of honey. I replaced the full frame with an empty one, of which I feel sure they will have filled in no time.   Inside the supra you can see where the free formed honey comb fell when I lifted it up. What you see in the supra now is the last part, which I was NOT removing on this particular day. I figured I had changed the status of the hive enough already. 

 You can imagine that I did have some crazy buzz bys from several of the honey bees during the course of all that I had to accomplish on this visit to the Beehive. I escaped this particular visit with NO stings (again)! Woot!

Busy. Not missing a beat. Of course, if I had not disturbed them, they may have been working to a different beat.. not the clean up mode. 

 I did end up using my hive tool to remove this from the excluder so I could bring it in doors.  Upon doing this the comb broke more and honey, delicious amber colored hone, oozed from here and there.   These creations are amazing, they waste nothing.  They are busy cleaning up every little speck of the disturbed honey. I put an empty frame into the supra, perhaps they will store this in that frame.

Angry. Disgruntled. Confused. Sideswiped. Disturbed. - Status of the hive when I was done. 
I left the excluder out for them. The housekeeping staff would be out soon to take care of the mess.  We are again, thanking God for the harvest that He provided us with this year through the mouth of a honey bee.  Did you know they regurgitate on two different occasions during the honey making process? Anyway.

In keeping with THANKS, with gratitude, I will be giving away a jar full of raw honey with comb to one of you next Monday (August 29th).  Thanks to each of you who read our blog!

In order to qualify for the random drawing please leave a comment on this post anytime between now and next Monday, August 29th  and I'll announce the winner ( random drawing ) that following Tuesday morning.   If you would like two opportunities in the drawing FOLLOW my blog and post this on your blog to spread the word!  If you follow through Google Reader or receive this through a feed burner, please sign onto the blog and leave your comment in order to get an opportunity to win the pint of unprocessed raw honey!

This was shared at:
Farm Girl Friday Blog Hop
Farm Photo Friday
Show and Tell Friday


  1. Oh how pretty. I think honey in the comb is so pretty done up in a jar like that. I once traded a friend some canned goods for a jar of honey with the comb!!

  2. You are very brave indeed...we wish to get a hive or two, though I think I will be leaving the upkeep to hubby...I will stick to milking the goats :)

    Please enter my comment into your randomness...Would love a jar of your honey.

    Blessings Kelsie

  3. I love raw honey. One of these days maybe I'll start my own hive. Thanks.

  4. Yum...honey!
    What a self-sustaining medium keeping bees.
    They truly are amazing :)

  5. It has been way to long since I have had raw honey with honeycomb. I can remember eating it at my grandparents growing up. Diffidently an experience I want to share with my daughter.

    God Bless,
    C Jones

  6. Please enter me! Looks delicious.

  7. One of my favorites... raw honey! I am hoping to have some bees in the near future because I love honey so much! Please enter me in the giveaway!

    I stopped by from The Homestead Revival... I'm your newest follower!

  8. I really miss my bees. I would love to win some honey too, lol.

  9. Our only hive got destroyed by a bear last week. I'd love to win some of your honey! :) Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. We'd love some raw honey and honey comb. It may be just what my dh needs to decide to give bees a go ; )

  11. I would love to win some of your delicious-looking honey! We are hoping to get hives this winter and bees next spring, and we are reading everything we can to learn more...your blog being one of them.

  12. what a fantastic giveaway!! i sure hope i win :)

  13. I'd love to keep bees someday too. Reading your blog is so inspirational. Thank you.

  14. I aspire to keeping bees! Today I went to a local festival with the express intent to get raw honey with the comb - disappointment! Last year there were 3 raw honey booths, this year none, scary!

  15. Fascinating post! And I'd love to win your honey!

  16. I would love to be entered for a jar of honey. It looks so good!! Someday I may become as brave as you to do this. :) Thank you for doing this give away, very generous of you!

  17. I have posted your giveaway on my blog as well! :)

  18. I hope to get bees someday again...I had them when still lived on my parents homestead. Your jars of honey with the honey comb are so pretty. Yum!

  19. Its so neat to keep bees! I am impressed you didnt get stung. Your honey looks wonderful.

  20. I would love to have a hive but I live in urban Tampa FL and dont have that choice.. im already breaking the "law" by keeping 3 hens for fresh eggs.. I would LOVE some yummy honey.. my 3 year old adores honey on everything.. her fav sandwich is honey and peanut butter : )

  21. We have wanted to start a hive so badly! Maybe next spring. We sure would love to try some of that honey though!

  22. Enjoy reading your blog. LEARNING so much-ly. Thanks for your willingness to share. WOULD love to win your honey! Don't live where Beekeeping is allowed. :( Happy Blogging.....Virginia

  23. That honey looks fantastic. I'd love to win it too. I follow your blog and am posting your giveaway on my blog as soon as I am done posting this comment. Have a great week. Oh, and thanks for the amazing pictures and explanation for what you were doing with the hive and the queen excluder screen. I hope to get bees next spring and am reading all I can to plan. Your blog posts are very helpful.

  24. Amazing photos! We buy local honey.

  25. I'm definitely bookmarking this post to reference when I get my bees next spring! So glad I found your blog through the Barn Hop. I'll be subscribing now, and thank you for the contest entry! :)

  26. I would love to win some of your honey! I've considered raising bees/honey myself, but with the children and all, my husband is concerned that it might be a bad idea. Looks Yummy!

  27. I am definitely following your blog now! Would so love to raise healthy! (and expensive!)

  28. sounds like a sweet giveaway! ha ha
    thanks for being so generous with your blessings!

  29. I'm adding your blog to my sidebar so that I can follow your adventures!

  30. Oh how exciting! We've been looking into getting bees, but I must admit, it seems a little intimidating. Thank you for all the great posts for reference and for the chance to win this honey! Yum!

  31. Yes, just found your blog! Please enter me in your give away.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I adore raw honey!!! My honey man retired and moved away a year ago, and I still have not found honey that tastes as good as his. Here's hoping!

  34. I love the honey with the comb in it! What a great giveaway! Please pick me!

  35. Your pictures are so beautiful. I would love to have bees. I would also love a jar of your honey, so enter my name in your drawing. Thank you.

  36. Oh, a hive of my own is high on my priority list, but a jar of raw honey would suffice for now. So happy to have found your blog.

  37. I would love to win some of that lovely raw honey! Thanks for such a unique give away.

  38. This brings back memories of harvesting honey growing up and chewing comb dripping with honey-mmm.

  39. Mmmmmmm ... honey. Please enter me in the giveaway. I'd love to show the kids honeycomb!! Thanks! Tracy
    mamabear2four (at) att (dot) net

  40. Looks fantastic! This is our first year at keeping bees, so no honey for us yet. We are letting them keep it all for the winter the first year. I would love to be entered into your giveaway contest!!

  41. Wow, how interesting! I love honey but haven't gotten there 'yet' in wanting my own bees. Maybe eventually? Beautiful photos!

  42. Wow that looks like a lot of work. Wish I could work with bees, but unfortunately I am allergic to bees. So making my own honey is out of the question. So I will like vicariously thru you.

  43. How wonderful to have hives and all those pretty bees. We hope to do this one day when we get some extra spending money for the supplies. Please do enter me into your contest and thank you for thinking about us.

  44. Looks wonderful!! Thanks for the chance to win..

  45. I am absolutely fascinated by beekeeping. I know nothing about it, so this was such a great post! How very kind and generous for you to share the bounty from your bees.

  46. I am absolutely fascinated by beekeeping. I know nothing about it, so this was such a great post! How very kind and generous for you to share the bounty from your bees.

  47. Teresa - we didn't either really, until just this spring. It has been quite a venture! So rewarding. We NEVER expected to get honey this year.. but did! If you want to read our humble beginning of Bee Keeping check the archives for Bees, it isn't that many post. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the drawing!

  48. Thanks to each of you who posted and followed regarding this post, the winner has been announced on my blog today, From City Streets to Country Roads, Congrats!

    Go ahead... start a hive, if we can do it , you can do it!
