Monday, January 31, 2011

*squeaky clean

It's Sunday and that means bath time for our little puppy Frayja.  While one might imagine that bathing a large dog would be a task that comes with much dread, not so in our home.  Frayja started getting baths early on and has always enjoyed it or at least allowed it.  This bath was designed with Fray in mind- a large cast iron tub and completely tiled room including walls and floor. Clean-up is a breeze.


  1. She is such a pretty dog. I like the design of the bathroom...surely makes for an easy clean up for you!

  2. Thanks Dianna. The other bathroom in our new (old) house is also completely tiled in the bathing area, love it! Have a great week!

  3. Love the water color at the end. GRAY :)

  4. She is so lovely Lynnie. Seems like such a good dog.

  5. Yeh, she is a pretty good dog. She is crazy, like Henry was when he was a toddler when people come around. She loves attention and people.. although all people don't love her. Our oldest son dislikes dogs deeply... oh well. They will have to work it out.
