Wednesday, January 19, 2011

*soon I shall have a brood

Today I am reading and learning more about keeping chickens! In a few short months we will be welcoming spring and with it will come baby chicks that will join our life here at Erilyn Farm. I can hardly wait to share with you, this great adventure we are embarking upon.   The books I have chosen are: Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens & The Joy of Keeping Chickens.


  1. Whats the significance to the name of the Farm...if any???

  2. Trina, Erilyn is a mix of mine and Eric's names. It is sort of self centered and a bit unique.. still mulling it over. My mother's maiden name is Croft, which means land of 5 to 10 acres... We are still tossing some names around (just for fun).

  3. Fun! Now I'm envious!! Looking forward to hearing all about your farming adventure and I LOVE chickens!!

  4. Love all the posts! The pics are wonderful and I am glad you are back home and posting stuff everyday :) Keep it up. I was doing the same thing this morning, looking at book on chickens and how to build a coop.

  5. Do you also have a book on how to keep your beautiful enormous dog from eating the chickens? :) Just wondering aloud. I truly am clueless about such things! :)

  6. Hehe. Holly, the back part of our property where the barn is located at has a fence that separates 3 acres of our land where Frayja runs and plays. She will not be able to access them. But in addition, we plan to introduce her to the chickens as chicks on a daily basis for a while and train her to leave them alone. We will introduce them to our cats the same way.
