Monday, February 6, 2012

*preparations under way

 Preparing has to take place in order to make ready. We have began to make ready our garden spots for the coming planting season!  We have been tilling, turning, building and getting excited about this season that is on our doorsteps.

Eric has been turning the well mulched garden spots so we can begin our planting in about one month.  We have decided to seed our garden about mid March, praying that no frost will set in after that date. Last year this time he was still in North Carolina, so he gets to be a part of the garden from the ground up this year.

This year we are adding two more hives to our property and instead of buying the hive boxes, bottom board and top boards, my talented beloved is building them.  We still have to purchase all the frames to go inside each  hive box or supra but we are still saving a considerable amount of money with him building them.  One of the hives will be a gift to Eric's mom and dad. They showed some interest in honey this past year, so as a Christmas gift to them, we are giving them a completed hive with two supra's, they will just populate it with the purchase of the bees.  The bees are starting to become active again which is exciting to see.  Beekeeping is really quite rewarding with many benefits.

We will be breeding one of our Nubian's in a month or so, and with this in mind we need to have our goats become accustomed to getting up on the stand to be milked, have their hoofs trimmed etc.  Eric has had some plans printed out for a little while and this past weekend he made it come to life.  I love the way it turned out. We did have to purchase the 2 X 4's to make the stand, but he repurposed some wood that was already here to make the base of the stand as well as the ramp.  We had some tinted stain from some project when we lived in NC and this is what we stained it with.  You should have seen having each goat come up the ramp individually to introduce them to the stand. We gave them some dried beet pulp as their treat along with some grain which they love. They were happy to follow the cup with treats up the ramp to a certain point. It did however, take both of us to get a couple of them up on the stand and in the right place. 

 Husan is doing a great job keeping his hens together. He watches over them carefully, and he is kind to us. This kindness is good for the sustainability of his life. *wink*

 This is Ellie, one of our "easter egger" or Americauna hens, isn't she beautiful?!

 We often see this... a bird of a feather, flock together.. Two Barred Rocks together and two White Brahama's together.

Aren't those some beautiful brussel sprouts there?  Our hens are really loving life right now!  They already have free roam of a huge area of our property but within a fence for their protection from predators. Since we have been out working in the gardens and building in the barn so much lately, we have been letting the chicks go beyond the fenced area and into the gardens.  There is still a fence beyond that as well for their protection. The pickins are much better in a new spot of land that has not been turned over on a regular basis. I love to sit and watch our chickens turn the ground over seeking out bugs, seeds and whatever else suits their fancy.  We try and let them out an hour or so before the sun goes down, this way we are pretty much assured that every one of them will be in to roost as that beautiful rose colored sunset sets.  We supplement feed our chickens with cracked corn and grains as needed, but we much prefer they go and work for their food, I think they like it best that way as well.


  1. I love seeing all of your preparations. I want to do so much, but finding time to do things outside of the basic everyday chores with Josh's traveling job is difficult. But it makes me happy to see yours and keeps my hoping that I'll be able to find time to things in my own yard.

    1. Jenny, there are times in our lives that we go through which I like to call "seasons" where we do not have the time or liberty to do certain things, but the season shall come where you will get these things done. Right now you have one of the most important jobs, rearing those sweet blessings. I am sure you will get a few things planted, or added to your yard as the spring and summer day come upon us!

  2. Hi Lynnie,
    Great post, as usual. I live my farm dreams through farm images like yours. Your hubby has sure been busy constructing bee boxes and a milking stand. His work looks fantastic. I came by to let you know that I really enjoy your blog. I am awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award. Hop on over to my blog to pick it up. Congratulations. You deserve it. Heidi

    1. Thanks Heidi. I have had this 'given' to me twice this week, and I don't normally participate (I have gotten other ones in the past) but I may just take you two nominators up on this one. Thanks so much for choosing me and sharing my link on your blog. And.. glad I can be of some inspiration to you regarding farm life. Yes, my dh is an excellent handyman and doe a caliber of work that is professional. Thanks again!!

  3. You guys are so much farther ahead than us! In fact, we haven't even started planning our garden or purchased any seeds. We really got disappointed with our last garden that it is hard for us to get motivated for this year. But, we must, and we will! Great job on the hives and milking stand too! Isn't it great to have a handy husband?

  4. You all are a big inspiration to all of us.

    1. Thanks so much. I am a very versatile blogger and may write about things that aren't of strong interest to you, but farm life now is at front and center so most likely often you will see homesteading/farming type post. And I find that I am not really an informer but more of a story teller of what is going on in our lifes here at Erilyn.

  5. I just had to add you all to my blog feed!

  6. Your entire blog is an inspiration to me. We are currently living in an apartment (YUCK!) while we search for our forever home after relocating yet again. We miss having land, gardening, and all our animal friends. I look forward to reading more of your lovely blog :)

    I am now following via LF from the hop. Hope you are able to come check out My Road to Savings

    1. Thanks Erika, in the right timing I am sure you will find a nice house and some land that you can make your home. I am glad you found things here that interest and inspire you. May you be encouraged when you use your time to visit here.

  7. Hi Lynnie! Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks so much for linking up at Thriving on Thursdays last week. I absolutely adored your idea. Would love to see what you've been up to this week.

    Anne @ Domesblissity xx
