Tuesday, October 11, 2011

*daylight is coming

These two pictures were taken early one morning on my quick drive to take Henry to school.    I am constantly arrested by God's beauty all around me and I love to share such beauty on my side of the world!  Since my camera was not in the car with me, I used the camera on my Droid. I was quite pleased with the capture!

The dawn is breaking.  Thankfully He IS our rear guard!

(~we currently have a working offer on our home in NC, appraisal, inspections etc ensue. If all goes well, the new owners will take possession in less than a month!  Thanks to each of you who have prayed over this along with us!)


  1. SO happy to hear about your home in NC. Will continue to pray that all goes well.

  2. SOOOO Grateful!!!!!!!~Trina

  3. Glad to hear about your NC home!

    Beautiful post today. Isn't God good?! :)

  4. I'm always so grateful for this beautiful the Lord has made for us. I hope that the deal on your home goes through smoothly!

  5. I love that first shot. Are those grape vines?

    Congratulations on the sale of your home.

  6. Keep us posted on the house. Praying this one goes through.
