Monday, May 9, 2011

*the JOY of gardening

I am super excited about these!  We planted both white onions and purple onions this year. It is our first year for growing onions and now I am wishing I had planted more!

We have already lost several squash plants to the cut worm, but we planted a bunch so we are good. 

Butter beans in bloom, it wont be long before I will be picking these too!

Potatoes, onions, and tomatoes - Oh my!

Aren't the blooms on the potatoe plants pretty?
This is the first year we have had a garden as grand as the two we are currently caring for and it really is a joy. Gardening brings me joy, being able to work with my hands and labor to produce something wholesome for our family is such a blessing.  We are growing things we have never grown before and learning as well go. We are trying our hands at horseradish root, garlic, peanuts, asparagus as well as many common garden plants such as peas, beans, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, cukes, squash, onions and etc.  I hope you are just jumping in and planting a few things you never thought you would or could grow just to learn from that experience and produce a few things for the dinner table.

How is your garden growing?