Tuesday, March 15, 2011

*childish things

As a little girl I remember such things as sharing a weed with my sister, Lori.  In fact, I had forgotten about this strange habit my sister and I practiced when we were young girls until just the other day when I saw them growing on the side of the county road.  I said to my mother who was in the car with me, "Do you remember when you taught Lori and me to chew on those weeds right there?"  She looked at me with correcting eyes, and with an alarming voice said, "What?"  "You chewed on those weeds when you were little girls?"  She denied teaching this to us, so I assume that it was my older and wiser sister who started this delicious habit.   On the way home, I stopped and picked a few of them to chew on.. to, you know.. take me back to that time in history.  It is funny how certain taste or smells can take you back to a place in your past.  The taste of the "weed" did just that for me.  My mother was somewhat astounded by my actions.

Above is the weed I was making reference to.  It must be indigenous to the south, because I have not seen this since I left Georgia as a young woman.  I must admit, it was a sweet reminder of simpler days gone by.

The following day we were traveling down a road that had an opened field with a fence around it. On this fence was honey suckle growing rampantly here and there.  I looked at this plant with fondness as well, remembering once again one of me and my sisters childhood escapades. We would pull the blossom out of the stems and suck on the honeysuckle.  Once again my mother was surprised to learn of this strange habit we practiced as children.  I sent a message to my older sister, Lori to ask her if she remembered these things.  She responded saying that she did, but was choosing not to at that moment.   I think I will introduce weed eating to Kierstyn (Lori's daughter, my niece) when she comes for a visit in just a few weeks.  We will see how that goes over.

Speaking of childhood memories, here is one other from my childhood days:

Here you see me and my baby sister, Bridgette.  These little chicks are about the same size as our second set of chicks that we currently have.  It looks like they were just getting their pin feathers in as well.   I suppose chickens, pigs and such are at my roots- that's why raising them and having a farm style life comes so naturally in my now adult life.  I am eternally grateful for the opportunities that God has provided us with. 


  1. A sweet post! I love childhood memories that take you right back to that time :)


  2. Love, LOVE the last picture! Too cute!!!
